All in Interviewing

Job Interview Red Flags: Should You Ask The Interviewer If They Have Any?

One complaint that job seekers often have about the hiring process is that they don’t often get feedback from their interviews. If rejected, they rarely hear why; if they do, it is often a vague statement that others are more qualified. This leaves job seekers wondering how they are more qualified. Without specific feedback, candidates are left wondering if they could have said something different in an interview to change the interviewer’s mind.

Watch Out for These 14 Red Flags During Your Job Interviews

Everyone wants to have a positive interview experience. Sometimes, though, things will be said or done during an interview that you should not ignore. It may mean nothing, or it may mean something significant. Many people are so excited about an opportunity that they do not pick up on actions happening in front of them. Don't be that person. Be aware, and if you see anything that doesn't look or feel right, don't dismiss it.

Company Culture And Interviewing: How To Learn If You Are A Fit

You need to understand what work cultures are best for you and whether an organization can meet your needs. While you can read about a company culture online, that should never be a substitute for what you feel, see, and hear through the interview process? Make sure you get a good sense of what it is like from the people who work there. Then you can decide whether it is right for you and if you accept an offer, then up your odds that you will enjoy and feel content working there.

Interviewing Nerves: How To Calm Them To Help You Succeed

Most people are a bit nervous when it comes to being interviewed. Nerves are not necessarily a bad thing. It is telling you that you are putting importance to your meeting. What you do not want to do is to have your nerves derail your interview. Choose one or more of these techniques to help you tame your nerves, so you can show how awesome you are to this prospective employer.