When you are thinking about a potential job opportunity, learn about the total compensation and benefits package. You may find that you would gladly offset a lower starting salary for access to many of these benefits.
All in Job Search
When you are thinking about a potential job opportunity, learn about the total compensation and benefits package. You may find that you would gladly offset a lower starting salary for access to many of these benefits.
It is confusing for job seekers to know what challenges they may face with drug testing if they are either a recreational pot user or use cannabis for medicinal reasons. Throw in the proliferation of CBD (cannabidiol) products now on the market, and there is much uncertainty around the whole topic of marijuana drug testing.
I answer three questions: 1) How do you effectively answer the interview question: “Tell me about the worst boss you ever had?”, 2)What is an alternative way of saying 'references available upon request' in a resume? and 3) In a job interview, what are subtle ways you can make yourself a stronger candidate?
Too many people have taken an offer because it meets one important criterion, such as increased compensation or shorter commute, without looking at the totality of the job. A happy work-life means that most of the aspects of the job that are important to you are met.
In marketing, we talk about the “value proposition” and what do you bring, what do you stand for? Very few people, I think, do the hard work of figuring that out for themselves. When you have that value proposition and you know exactly what it is, everything you do becomes a lot easier.